Integrated Security

Security Services

If you are looking for integrated security systems, solutions, you’ve come to the right place. At Mya Security, we’ve created unique integrated security services, for all sorts of companies. When you are creating this type of system, the goal is to have a central command. This is something that can help small and large businesses make not only security more efficient, but just looking at their operating system an easier task. You are going to have one dashboard from where you are going to be able to monitor everything.

Fast and Great Customer Service!

If you are looking for integrated security systems, solutions, you’ve come to the right place. At Mya Security, we’ve created unique integrated security services, for all sorts of companies. When you are creating this type of system, the goal is to have a central command. This is something that can help small and large businesses make not only security more efficient, but just looking at their operating system an easier task. You are going to have one dashboard from where you are going to be able to monitor everything.

Our Integrated Solutions

If you are curious about precisely what type of features we can help integrate into one system, here is a list of some of the more common solutions that we can provide for you.

Access Control Solutions
Long gone are the days when people had to scribble their names on a piece of paper to access a building. With access control solutions, you can create databases automatically of who is coming in and out. You can do this without slowing the flow of vehicles or people that are coming into the building, and you can achieve this via personal security cards or even fingerprint identification.
Visitor Management Software
When someone is looking for access to a building, we can submit their request and run it through a database to quickly find all of the information that you could have on a particular person or company. This makes the entry process safer and quicker.
Security Cameras And
Video Surveillance Systems

You won’t have any trouble trying to find live feeds from all of the cameras on your property. All of these can be integrated into the system, and you can look at all of them simultaneously

Intrusion Alarm Systems
If the system spots an unauthorized entry, there are different ways that it can alert the central command post. We have everything from silent alarm options to all-out lockdown options.
Intercom Systems

Intercom systems have been around for years and years; we are not discovering anything new with this technology. What we can provide is closed-circuit communications with high-quality equipment that emits clear sound.

Door Hardware

If you are worried about who is granted access to a particular place, it’s only natural that you’d want a proper door. We can set up doors with magnetic locks, electric strikes, keypads, and exit devices, amongst other features!

Why Choose Us

We certainly believe that there are a couple of reasons why you would want to choose us over another integrated security services company. We thought it would be a good idea to give you tangible reasons why this is the case.

icon Help Around The Clock You work with a company that only works regular business hours and the system goes down, you can spend hours unprotected. That’s not something you have to worry about with us.
icon Truly Integrated Systems With our integrated security systems solutions, we can truly incorporate a wide array of devices into the system. We are not just connecting all of your security cameras to a split-screen monitor and calling that a fully integrated system.

icon We Bring Everything You don’t have to go out and find security cameras, and you don’t have to go out and find an intercom system. We can do it all for you.

icon Access Control Options There are different access control systems that we could potentially implement. What you have to do is find the one that seems to fit your needs best, and that’s that.

icon Staff Training If you have the best system in the world and you have no idea how to use it, that is like throwing money down the drain. We can train your staff to ensure that they know how to get the most out of the system.

icon Full Adaptability When fully integrated systems were becoming popular, companies used to sell them, and then you had to find a way to adapt to the system’s features. Today we do things the other way around. We implement a system based on your needs!

24 7

We Offer Around
The Clock
Emergency Services

24 7

We Offer Around The
Clock Emergency Services

If safety is your main concern, you are not going to be thrilled if the system goes offline. All of our systems are equipped with some sort of backup plan. People who are serious about keeping security tight can have backup generators in the case of a power outage. Still, there are other problems that you could face.

While we make a considerable effort to make sure members of your team know how to troubleshoot the system, we are also always available. If you are having even a simple problem like figuring out how to register a new person into your data log for access, you can call us. We have a customer service team that is always available.

Are you going through a complicated situation and have full system failure? We are not going to leave you in the dark until the next day. You can give us a call, and we are going to be on our way immediately. We understand that you are hiring our services to feel safe. Being there for you when you’re confused or have a problem is also part of keeping you safe!

Leading Security System
Leading Security
System Integrator

There certainly is not a shortage of companies that could use integrated security; Without a doubt providing our services has been a unique challenge. This is mainly because of the fact that we’ve had to precisely adapt our system to fit the needs of different companies. Size is not the only factor that could alter the way that we set up our integrated security systems.

We also understand that companies in various industries can have different types of business operating structures. The high level of adaptability and customization is what has made us a leading security integrator.

We are not going to be forcing a system onto your company. Instead, we get to know your company in order to spot weaknesses and areas of opportunity. These are usually going to focal points in the way that we ultimately set up a system.

We also need to understand your business to be able to make any type of suggestion. Our team has worked with companies across different industries, and that can undoubtedly help us use one of these systems as the base for what you may need. We do this without losing track of the fact that all of the systems are unique.

We Can Help You Reach the Highest Levels Of Security

A good, integrated security system can help you see potential threats occurring from the inside and also from the outside, and you can monitor the use and movements of your entire stock of products. At the same time, you can know exactly what amount of raw materials are coming in from external companies. This external protection is one that is certainly hard to find. You can not only track who is coming in or out through a surveillance camera system, you can do things like track the number ofboxes that they are dropping off.

Integrated Security

When people think of an integrated security system, they envision being able to look at different surveillance cameras at once. That’s certainly something that you can do with a proper system. You can integrate much more practical uses, though, than just eavesdropping on a conversation. A well-rounded integrated security system allows you to keep a watchful eye on things and control everything from one device.

Integrated Security

People tend to have plenty of questions about what we do. Here are some of the more common questions that we tend to get:

This can be one of those yes and no answers. We can integrate different components that you may already have in place into our system. The reason why we work with our own formats is to be able to provide more effective repairs.

This can be one of those yes and no answers. We can integrate different components that you may already have in place into our system. The reason why we work with our own formats is to be able to provide more effective repairs.

This can be one of those yes and no answers. We can integrate different components that you may already have in place into our system. The reason why we work with our own formats is to be able to provide more effective repairs.

This can be one of those yes and no answers. We can integrate different components that you may already have in place into our system. The reason why we work with our own formats is to be able to provide more effective repairs.

This can be one of those yes and no answers. We can integrate different components that you may already have in place into our system. The reason why we work with our own formats is to be able to provide more effective repairs.

This can be one of those yes and no answers. We can integrate different components that you may already have in place into our system. The reason why we work with our own formats is to be able to provide more effective repairs.

Contact US

Are you ready to install access control systems? It’s the perfect time to protect your investment. Please call us today, and we can find the most appropriate time for an appointment.